Monday, May 7, 2012

Revenant Concepts: Boogeymen

Alrighty, so you're in for a treat, after talking with my writer, he allowed me the privilege of putting up some of the concept work from our two graphic novels we've been working on. The first book I'll be showing you glances from is "Revenant". The lil furballs you see before you, are the Boogeymen, yes THE Boogeymen of fame and fable, not quite the evil demonic presence of our youths. They just happen to be grossly misunderstood, and are more akin to an overly excited lap dog, in demeanor and personality. Wont tell you much more, it'll ruin the story. =D So I proudly present, the Boogeymen, from the original concepts down to the near final products. Enjoy, and feel free to comment.

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